Health Wellness

Walking Speed Can Affect Longevity

For years, people of all ages have been told to walk several times a week. Walking helps keep the cardiovascular system healthier, helps to control weight and helps keep your muscle mass and muscle tone as you age. Many reports over the years have said that even a casual stroll is healthy. They often recommend

Health Wellness

Foods to Help Increase GOOD Cholesterol

In my younger days, doctors discovered that cholesterol played a role in cardiovascular disease along with some brain and other health conditions. They determined what was a healthy cholesterol level and if you had high cholesterol, you were placed on a strict diet and drugs to lower your cholesterol. While diet and activity play a

Health Wellness

Chances of Skirting Dementia

As we leave middle age and enter into our senior years, many wonder or fear the physical and mental declines that hit so many older people. It seems inevitable that our bodies change, and we grow weaker, more frail and have more physical and health issues. Our minds also experience the ravages of age. Which

Health Wellness

Paleo Diet v. Keto Diet

If I had a hundred dollars for every type of diet being pushed these days, I could retire. It’s hard to say which diets are best, worse or are the most popular. However, among the many more popular diets are the paleo and keto diets. What are they? What’s the difference and is one better

Health Wellness

More Accurate Test for Prostate Cancer

Some cancers are gender specific. Women face ovarian, cervical and uterine cancer and men don’t. Most people fail to realize that breast cancer affects men as well as women, only it’s not as common among men. The American Cancer Society predicts that in 2018, about 2,550 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in

Health Wellness

Can You Really Catch Up On Lost Sleep?

Over the past year, I’ve written several posts about sleep, with warnings, recommendations and various studies. In April 2017, we looked at a study that showed non-regular sleeping patterns, such as sleeping in on weekends, can increase one’s risk of developing certain cancers. In September 2017, we looked at a study that found that having

Health Wellness

Bad Food Turned Good Food

If you are at all health conscious, as we all should be, you could go crazy trying to keep up with the latest studies and reports. There are so many different reports that tout the pros and cons of various foods that one has to wonder what is and what isn’t safe. How many times