Genetic Cause for Difficult to Diagnose Health Problems

Health Wellness

Do you or someone you know have health problems that have been difficult to diagnose and harder yet for many doctors to treat? Are you super sensitive to many cleaning agents? What about developing blisters on your skin just by being near a cell phone, tablet or laptop computer? Do you have swelling in your feet, ankles and lower legs or do you have vision problems that no one seems to know what’s causing it? Have you had very many MRI’s or other tests using contrasts and find that you have problems afterwards?

A dear friend of ours has been having health issues for several years. She has seen numerous doctors and specialists and every time one of the thinks they know what it is and begin treatment, she finds that wasn’t the problem to begin with.

Among her strange symptoms were blisters on her skin and headaches if she is near cell phone, tablet or laptop computer or any for emf energy or radiation, regardless of how weak and safe it is supposed to be.

Although debated by many doctors, one doctors was brace enough to determine that she has a toxicity problem due to a genetic mutation. That mutation prevents her body from getting rid of certain toxins, including radiation. She is now seeing one doctor who is treating her and in three months, she is feeling so much better, however she still has a long way to go. At the moment, the doctor has her on a regimen to built up her system and organs to be healthy enough to undergo a rigorous detox. Once she undergoes this specific kind of detox, she should feel even better.

She was sharing this with us and telling us that the gene mutation actually involves 2 genes and it is known as MTHFR, which stand for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. One source describes it as:

“The MTHFR gene provides instructions for making an enzyme called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. This enzyme plays a role in processing amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase is important for a chemical reaction involving forms of the vitamin folate (also called vitamin B9). Specifically, this enzyme converts a molecule called 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate to a molecule called 5-methyltetrahydrofolate. This reaction is required for the multistep process that converts the amino acid homocysteine to another amino acid, methionine. The body uses methionine to make proteins and other important compounds.”

There are several different degrees of the MTHFR mutation and depending upon the degree of mutation can determine a person’s ability to get rid of varies toxins, resulting in the build up of the toxins.

She told us that one of the main issues with MTHFR mutations involves the use of gallium contrasting agent for many MRIs. A growing number of people, like Gina Norris, wife of actor Chuck Norris, are having major health problems due to gallium contrast used in MRIs. Chances are, she has an MTHFR gene mutation that prevents her body from being able to get rid of the gallium after an MRI. The gallium then builds up in the body and causes severe health issues. Getting rid of the gallium for people with MTHFR mutations is very difficult.

Our friend suggested that our daughter be tested to see if she has an MTHFR mutation. Yes, our daughter has McCune Albright Syndrome (MAS), no one seems to know why she has loss part of her vision or why she is having a lot of swelling in her legs, ankles and feet. These are symptoms of MTHFR mutation caused toxicity issues and since our daughter has had dozens of MRIs over the past decade, it’s very possible she is suffering from gallium toxicity.

Having an MTHFR gene mutation not only tends to make one susceptible to gallium toxicity, but it can also result in toxicity issues from things like household cleaners and other things we use on a daily basis but think nothing of.

If you or anyone you know is having similar types of health issues and are not getting any results from most doctors, it may be worthwhile to look into seeing if it’s the result of MTHFR gene mutations. It’s a simple genetic test to determine, but, it may finally provide the answer you have bene looking for and lead to a method of treatment and being able to take precautions in the future to avoid worsening problems.

Just be warned that not all doctors are open to this, but in the case of our friend, finding out and knowing what to do has made a world of difference in her health and her life. She urges persistence.

Detox Gene Mutation MTHFR gene Toxins

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