New Napkin Detects Date Rape Drugs

Health Wellness

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Over the past decade or two, date rape drugs have become far too common. All it takes is a quick slight of hand and someone you may or may not know drops a drug in your drink (which can be an alcoholic beverage, soda, tea and even coffee) and the next thing you know, you wake up and discover that you have been sexually molested or raped.

Some sources say that as many as 70% of sexual assaults occur between two people who know each other. Sometimes signals are misread, there may be an initial willingness that quickly becomes an unwillingness, sometimes it’s due to a drug and too many times, some guy behaves like a sex-craved animal who only cares about his own sexual lust.

There are five common date rape drugs on the streets. They are:

  • Rohypnol (flunitrazepam (FLOO-neye-TRAZ-uh-pam), which has a list of slang names including circles, forget pill, LA Rochas, lunch money, Mexican valium, mind erasers, poor man’s quaalude, R-2, rib, roach, roach-2, roaches, roofies, roopies, rope, rophies, ruffles, trip-and-fall and whiteys. One a very popular date rape drug in the United States, it has largely been placed by the following two drugs.
  • Klonopin trade name in US, Rivotril is trade name in Mexico, (clonazepam).
  • Xanax (alprazolam).
  • GHB (gamma hydroxybutyric (GAM-muh heye-DROX-ee-BYOO-tur-ihk) acid). Slang names for this drug include bedtime scoop, cherry meth, easy lay, energy drink, G, gamma 10, G juice, Georgia home boy, gook, goop, great hormones, grievous bodily harm liquid E, liquid ecstasy, liquid X, PM, salt water, soap, somatomax and vita-G.
  • Ketamine, slang names include black hole, bump, cat valium green jet, K, K hole, Kit Kat, psychedelic heroine purple, special K and super acid.

In 2016, Danya Sherman was studying abroad and trusted her friend. However, her friend slipped a date rape drug in her drink and she was sexually assaulted. Like many young ladies who find themselves victims of a date rape drug, Sherman felt humiliated, ashamed, violated and angry.

When she returned to the United States, she discovered that she was not alone in her experience. She also wanted some kind of closure and the only way she could think of to accomplish it was try to empower others in social settings and help them avoid becoming another victim.

Sherman is a student at George Washington University, where she put her plan to work. She created a napkin that can detect most date rape drugs. The napkin, known as KnoNap works by placing a drop of a drink onto the napkin. If the napkin turns color, it means there is a drug in the drink.

Why did she pick using a napkin? Sherman explained:

“Napkins are always around alcohol. They are always in bars and clubs and we’re working to have them integrated into fraternities, social events and social organizations. They’re also easy to carry around in either a pocket or purse so they’re very portable and can be taken anywhere so if you’re uncomfortable, you’re able to take it out and use it at your own discretion.”

Sherman is now marketing her KnoNap and hoping to get them into many bars, restaurants, fraternities and sororities, as well as making them available for private purchase. Her goal is see other women use the napkins and avoid becoming another victim. If you are interested, visit her website here.

Date Rape Date Rape Drugs

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