Super Food Called Poison by Harvard Doctor

Health Wellness

While it’s true that many millennials are starting to eat healthier, from what I’ve read and heard, it seems that the older we get, the more health conscious we become and that includes our diets.

I’ve heard older folks say they eat more fruit and veggies not only as part of a healthy diet, but it helps to keep their bowel movements more regular and that’s very important to many older folks.

But what some of the healthy foods many older folks are eating?

Watching them in the produce department, they pick out things like lettuce (iceberg, romaine and endive), kale, spinach, peppers, carrots, beans, snap peas, apples, peaches, watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumbers, tomatoes and more. You get the idea.

You often see them buying more of those foods than the starchy foods like corn, rice and potatoes. Oh yeah, they also eat more sweet potatoes.

They buy more fish, chicken and lamb. When they buy red meat, it’s usually very lean like a pork chop or fatless cut of beef.

But what about fats and oils?

There have been cycles of reports on the health dangers and benefits of different sources or fats and oils.

About 20 years ago, many Americans jumped on a low-fat craze after reports of fats being a cause of weight gain. They cut back on fried foods, fatty meats, sausages, bacon and cut back on using lard and vegetable oils.

Then experts revealed that sugars and certain carbohydrates are what put on weight, more so than fats and oils. They also reported that our bodies need a certain amount of oil to function properly.

But what kind of oils or fats?

In 2008, it was reported that medium chain fatty acids actually help the body to burn fat, causing one to lose weight. That was when some health gurus reported that coconut oil was rich in medium chain fatty acids as well as healthy phytochemicals.

Coconut oil began flying off shelves. People were cooking their French fries in coconut oil. They were using coconut oil in lots of their cooking and some super health nuts even started consuming a couple spoons of coconut oil on a daily basis. People were making coconut oil smoothies and using it in their healthy stir-fry meals. To some, coconut oil became a super food.

Then the super food bubble was burst when it was revealed that coconut oil only contains about 14% medium chain fatty acids, so little to be the miracle fat burner.

In 2017, the American Heart Association further decimated the super food bubble of coconut oil when they reported that there was a direct correlation between the consumption of saturated fats and heart disease. They also reported that coconut oil is 82% saturated fat.

Recently, Dr. Karin Michel reportedly went on record, declaring that coconut oil is pure poison. Some are trying to refute her claim, but consider if coconut oil is 82% saturated fat and saturated fat is a cause of heart disease, how would you describe coconut oil?

So, according to health experts, is there a healthy oil to use instead of coconut oil?

Most of the evidence out there all points to extra-virgin olive oil. Consider the fact that it is key to the Mediterranean diet and in places in Italy and France where that is all they use, they also have a very low incidence of heart disease.

But, moderation is still the key. Also learn how to keep your extra-virgin olive oil healthy. Don’t store it in bright light, especially sunlight. Don’t keep it in hot places like the garage in summer. It should be stored in a dark and relatively cool area to help keep it from losing its health benefits.

About 20 years ago, I was told I had high triglyceride levels in my blood. I switched to using extra-virgin olive oil in my cooking, including frying eggs or potatoes and onions and guess what? These days, my triglyceride levels are well within the normal range. I had a couple jars of coconut oil a few years back, but have since sent them by way of the trash and although some still swear by coconut oil, my advice is to get rid of it if you have any. Your heart will thank you.

coconut oil Heart Health

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