The Forgotten Virus That Will Affect Many Older Americans

Health Wellness

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There is a virus that currently infects at least 1 in every 30 Baby Boomers and the vast majority of them don’t know they have the virus. It lay dormant for decades and then as you get older and your system begins to weaken, it can raise its ugly head, causing liver damage, cirrhosis of the liver and even liver cancer. It’s the leading cause of liver cancer and the need for liver transplants. In fact, they say that Baby Boomers (people born between 1945-1965) are five times more likely to have this virus. Three of every 4 people who get this virus are Baby Boomers.

What is it? It’s hepatitis C.

You’ve seen the commercial on the television advising seniors to get a hep C vaccine and this is why.

Experts are not certain why Baby Boomers are so heavily infected with hep C. Some theorize that they came in contact with it during the 1960s through the 1980s when it seemed the transmission of hep C was so high.

It’s primarily spread through contact with the blood of someone who is infected and many Baby Boomers were involved in drugs or drug experimenting in those early years and may have been infected through sharing needles. Even if someone only shared an infected needle once, that was all it took to spread the virus. It’s also possible that it may have been spread through blood transfusions before modern techniques of testing donated blood were in place, beginning in 1992. It can also be transmitted by coming in contact with open sores or other body fluids of an infected person and this included unprotected sex.

Some of the symptoms of hepatitis C include jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes and orange or brown urine), fever, fatigue lasting for weeks and months, nausea and other stomach trouble, vomiting (sometimes the food may look undigested hours after eating, belly pain and light-colored bowel movements. Long-term chronic hep C can cause a toxic buildup in the brain, musty mouth, liver inflammation, poor bladder and bowel movements, weight loss, problems sleeping, hair loss, dry sky, weakened finger and toe nails.

The liver is the main organ that filters many toxins from the blood and sends them out as waste material. When the liver is infected with hep C, it doesn’t function properly, allowing for many toxins to buildup and spread throughout the body. The buildup of toxins can lead to confusion forgetfulness, poor concentration and even personality changes. Over time, the toxin buildup can lead to abnormal shaking, agitation, disorientation and slurred speech.

Not that many years ago, hepatitis C was considered to be an incurable disease, but that’s not true anymore. The current cure rate is about 95%.

It’s important for EVERY Baby Boomer to be tested for hep C. As stated above, the vast majority of those infected are not aware they are infected. It’s best to know in advance if you do carry the virus and get treated than to do nothing and only find out too late after damage is already done.

As for the hep C vaccine? Check with your doctor.

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