Winter Tips for Healthy Skin

Health Wellness

As we age, our skin thins and tends to dry out. It loses some of its elasticity causing that crepe paper look that so many older folks are known for. Our skin also becomes drier, more brittle and susceptible to flaking and cracking, especially in winter.

Did you know that colder air is drier than summer air? The amount of moisture in the air is directly related to the air temperature. In the winter, the humidity and dew points lower. (Just a quick side note – one of the functions of air conditioning units is not just to cool the air, but to dry it out also. Furnaces used in the winter also tend to dry the air in our homes and this adds to the problems of keeping our skin healthier summer and winter, but especially in the winter.)

In areas with a large population of older people, stores sell a lot of moisturizing creams and lotions, but lathering up one’s skin with these things on a daily basis can cause other problems, like preventing the skin from breathing. Yes, our skin breathes and needs access to the air. Besides, the lotions and creams can clog pores, causing things like pimples, pustules and sores.

So, what else can you do to try to keep your skin healthier, especially during the winter? Would you believe that there is a list of foods that you can add to your diet that will help keep your skin healthier in the winter?

Here is a list of foods to help keep your skin healthier during the winter (this list is a compilation taking from a number of sources).

  • Grapefruit (red or pink) – the color comes from lycopene, which has been proven to help keep skin smooth.
  • Coffee – drinking 1 cup of caffeinated coffee every day can reduce the risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer. Yes, even exposure to the cold winter sun can cause skin cancer.
  • Edamame – contain isoflavones which help protect the collagen in the skin and also helps reduce effects of sun exposure.
  • Tofu – helps preserve collagen in the skin (lose of collagen with age is what causes skin to get that crepe look). Also helps keep skin smoother and reduce wrinkles.
  • Egg Yolk – contain the carotenoid lutein, which also helps protect skin from harmful UV damage. FYI – lutein has been shown to help keep eyes healthier and reduce risk of age-related macular degeneration.
  • Tea – like coffee, the caffeine helps protect against skin cancer.
  • Soymilk – same benefit as tofu.
  • Tuna – rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Helps preserve collagen and helps reduce risk of skin cancer.
  • Salmon – same as tuna.
  • Broccoli – found to help keep skin smoother, reduce wrinkles and reduce age-related dryness.
  • Spinach – rich in lutein, like egg yolk.
  • Sardines – same as tuna.
  • Pumpkin – rich in beta carotene which helps protect skin from UV rays and helps in production of vitamin A which helps bones, eyes and immune system.
  • Cocoa – contains flavonoid called epicatechin which helps preserve skin texture and blood flow in the skin.
  • Coconut – contains healthy fats and has an antibacterial element that helps prevent acne and keeps skin moist.
  • Avocado – contains healthy fats, protein and vitamins. Helps support collage and elastin in the skin as well as helps to keep skin moist.
  • Oatmeal – rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals but, most importantly, fiber, all of which helps keep skin moist and prevent breakouts of acne.
  • Sweet potatoes – help locks in moisture, gives your skin a healthy glow and protects it from damage due to abundance of vitamin A.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil – contains healthy fats and vitamin E that helps keep skin moist.
  • Carrots – rich in vitamins A & C along with beta carotene, all of which helps protect collagen, keep skin smooth and firm.
  • Dark Leafy Greens – same as spinach.
  • Nuts & Seeds – (especially almonds and walnuts) many contain omega-3 fatty acids and other healthy fats as well as vitamins A, B & E, and antioxidants. Helps keep skin moist, protects collagen and elastin.
  • Water-Rich Low Sugar Fruit – (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, ,etc.) – rich in vitamins A & C and antioxidants. Helps keep skin moist, protects collagen, and helps skin stay supple and smooth.
  • Tomatoes – rich in lycopene and antioxidants, helps keep skin moist and smooth.
  • Sea Buckthorn – rich in omega-7 oil, beta carotene and vitamin C.
  • Pumpkin Seeds – rich in vitamin A which helps keep skin moist and reduces effects of aging.
  • Shell Fish – same as pumpkin seeds
  • Herring – same as tuna.
  • Mackerel – same as tuna.
  • Flax oil – rich in omega-3 which helps keep skin moist.
  • Flax Seed – same as flax oil.
  • Collagen Powder – can mixed into many foods – coffee, eggs and more – helps protect collagen in skin.
  • Kiwi – has more vitamin C than an orange.
  • Oysters – contains zinc and other nutrients that helps skin cells repair themselves.
  • Water – some experts say that water is the NUMBER 1 most important food/drink to help fight winter skin problems. Water helps keep your skin hydrated which helps in many ways.

Many of these food and drinks not only help keep your skin healthier in winter, but they have other healthy benefits which includes heart, muscles, bones, eyes and hair.

Skincare Winter

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